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Outi Väisänen:
Multichannel EEG Methods to Improve the Spatial Resolution of Cortical Potential Distribution and the Signal Quality of Deep Brain Sources
The thesis consists of an overview and seven original publications:
OV Tampere University of Technology, Publication 741, 2008. 75 p.(4 Mb)
I Ryynänen, O.R.M., Hyttinen, J.A.K., Laarne, P.H. & Malmivuo, J.A. Effect of electrode density and measurement noise on the spatial resolution of cortical potential distribution. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2004: 51 9, pp. 1547-1554. (0.3 Mb)
II Ryynänen, O., Hyttinen, J., Laarne, P. & Malmivuo, J. Effect of measurement noise on the spatial resolution of EEG. Biomedizinische Technik 2004: 48 2, pp. 94-97. (0.2 Mb)
III Ryynänen, O. R. M., Hyttinen, J. A. K. & Malmivuo, J. A. Effect of measurement noise and electrode density on the spatial resolution of cortical potential distribution with different resistivity values for the skull. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2006: 53 9, pp. 1851-1858. (2 Mb)
IV Väisänen, J., Väisänen, O., Malmivuo, J. & Hyttinen, J. New method for analysing sensitivity distributions of electroencephalography measurements. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2008: 46 2, pp. 101-108. (0.4 Mb)
V Ryynänen, O., Väisänen, J., Hyttinen, J. & Malmivuo, J. Effect of source depth on the specificity of bipolar EEG measurements. Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, New York City, USA, 30.08.-03.09.2006 pp. 1110-1113. (0.5 Mb)
VI Väisänen, O. & Malmivuo, J. Improving the SNR of EEG generated by deep sources with weighted multielectrode leads. Journal of Physiology - Paris 2009; 103 6, pp. 306-314. (0.9 Mb)
VII Väisänen, O. & Malmivuo, J. 2007. Improved detection of deep sources with weighted multielectrode EEG leads. IEEE, EMB 2007, Sciences and Technologies for Health. The 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society in conjunction with the Biennial Conference of the French Society of Biological and Medical Engineering (SFGBM), August 23-26, 2007, Lyon, France pp. 5194-5197. (0.6 Mb)